V prejšnjih dneh si verjetno tudi ti bral o našem zavzetem trudu, da pridobi naša Urša Skube poseben naziv. Točka do zmage je določila za zmagovalce – Rural Youth Lower Austria. Ne glede na vse, je naša Urša prava inspiracija za vse nas! Kaj, kako, kdo, zakaj, pa preberite spodaj – tokrat v angleščini 💬
Rural Youth Inspirational Person/ Club of the Year 2020
Rural Youth project is a project where young people have worked together towards a common goal on a voluntary basis. This competition can gain your project visibility on a European level!
Inspirational Rural Youth Person or Club of the Year
A young person or group of young people / club who have set an example for others through the challenging and uncertainty of the global pandemic and who have been truly inspirational in their actions and/or words.
Why is Urša Skube our inspirational person of the year 2020?
Urša Skube, a leader who inspires, motivates, she is a role model and above all, she is a leader who strives for results and these are becoming more and more visible. Because of Urša and her leadership style, mainly during a pandemic, Slovenian Rural Youth Association (ZSPM) experienced an incredible turnaround. Her work is the essence of ZSPM, without the development and personal growth of the individual we would never change the way we look at and operate with rural youth organization, the way we perceive our rural youth organization. Until now, we have never dealt so intensively with the competencies of young people and their personal development, which are crucial if we want to have competent representatives who will represent our sector and, more importantly, develop it and give it life. With Urša at the helm, in the field of youth work and non-formal education, we are breaking boundaries and building bridges, and we would not have succeeded if she had not performed this role – so exceptionally, so dedicatedly, so enthusiastically, with the right amount of criticism and grumbling, and above all an innovative approach and perfect precision and an absurd measure of creativity – just waw!
Besides volunteering at our organization she is also president of the local association of rural youth, firefighter, singer, animator, volunteer at Mavrica-friends of children club where she shares her positive vibes among others. We can’t imagine our organization without her, she is simply irreplaceable.
During the pandemic when everything stopped, our local associations were also stagnat, Urša was the one who showed us the possibilities of having fun and connecting with each other online without physical contact. She impressed others to start applying for our online events and competitions. Our first online competition was The BEST project of the year, where she was the leader of the project group and also the host of this closing event. Through her field of non-formal education, she has worked on a project for Rural leaders, which affects the development of rural youth in the whole country. Her other field of working with children was also full of activities, there was an art competition for children in primary schools with the theme: ‘Without the farmer, there is no food’, where kids were allowed to show a farmer through their artistic creativity. There were more than 500 received drawings and 2 of them will decorate the tetra packs of Zelene doline diary.
She is always open to help everyone at any point. She is a person of thousands talents and abilities that no one is equal to.
Video presentation
Thank you Julija Kordež for the time and effort you put into applying for the project 🧡